Buckinghamshire Council Asbestos Management

Case Study Summary
Infinity provides Buckinghamshire Council with comprehensive asbestos management services, carrying out management, refurbishment, demolition, and re-inspection surveys on all its buildings, as well as offering asbestos awareness training courses.
Case Study Overview
Infinity manages Buckinghamshire Council’s property portfolio, which is now in excess of over 650 properties, delivering expert building management surveys.
All properties are managed by reinspection surveys that are carried out at least every 12 months to ensure compliance with regulations, and via the online client portal, used for its estates’ asbestos register. This is where real-time data can be gathered by the council, allowing efficiency both in time and cost savings.
Asbestos management and re-inspection surveys are always carried out according to the agreed schedule, while KPIs and refurbishment surveys are always conducted when project leaders are present.
Weekly KPI and monthly contract meetings, ensure regular and consistent communication, enabling all parties to discuss and assess performance collaboratively.
These meetings include verifying that required information is updated on the system, no health and safety issues have occurred, and the contract remains within budget.
Infinity ensures the contract always complies with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, while guaranteeing the council’s requirements are consistently achieved.
Case Study Impact
Infinity and Buckingham Council work collaboratively, using an online system solution, saving both time and money.
Speedy service delivery allows buildings to be repaired and refurbished within budget.
We provide awareness training to the council; this includes school staff and public building maintenance teams.
Infinity is pleased to be able to demonstrate the environmental support it can offer within the Buckingham Council area.
All its staff members are local, ensuring the local community benefits from the contract and that environmental concerns are addressed through minimal travel.
By providing health and safety awareness of where asbestos may be present within council buildings, Infinity is able to ensure all building users, including subcontractors and members of the public, remain safe at all times when on the premises.